Saturday, August 16, 2014

Individual Assignment =w=

After the group assignment, we had our own individual assignment where we need to to an actual event, promote it, advertise it.

The event that we need to choose it has to be a music event, and i chose KL International Jazz & Arts Festival

So here's my storyboard...Its just a teaser of how to promote the event. Firstly, it will show the event name and year with the venue and date. Later, it will introduce all the performer who's gonna perform during the event, on going will be some videos of some performances. Lastly will show the motto or theme of the event with the info on how and where to get the tickets and contacts

My poster or print ad. Simple and straight to the point

My direct mail where a pop-up dvd in the middle. Took me nearly 2 days tom complete it. Stress level very high

Radio Script
KL International Jazz Festival
Radio Spot

BGM : Jazz Music
MVO: (Jazz Musician Voice) Feeling stress?
MVO: (Jazz Musician Voice) Feeling tired?
MVO: (Jazz Musician Voice) Feel like your soul trap in a cage?
MVO: (Jazz Musician Voice) Don’t worry, Uncle Johnny is here
MVO: (Jazz Musician Voice) To help you ease your soul
MVO: (Jazz Musician Voice) To help you free you from your pain
MVO: (Jazz Musician Voice) Watch Uncle Johnny perform with his friends to ease your soul at
the KL International Jazz Festival at University Melaya
BGM: Jazz Music Fade Out 

and here is my radio script... Straight to point and with a little flair of jazz =]

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