Thursday, August 7, 2014

Group Assignment For Copywriting XD

Well, during this sem, i had a project where we need to do a storyboard, a poster, radio script and also a direct mail
So, apparently we need to choose a product and do a copywriting thing for it.
Since its a group project, we chose Fisherman Friend as our customer
 and we thought of a tagline for them "Your Wing-men Since 1865"

This is our Radio script
Kinda hilarious for me

Music: Soulja Boy – Kiss me thru the phone instrumental 
MVO1:  *Dial tone ends and someone picks up the phone SFX* *Clears Throat* “Baby you know that I miss you… ”  *screamo voice*
FVO1: “Eww. What’s wrong with your voice?“ *Hags up phone SFX*
Narrator: (Serious manly voice) “This is a problem that most men faced when approaching people, especially the girl of their dreams. The solution to the problem on the other hand has been around since 1865.” 
MVO1: *Dial tone ends and someone picks up the phone SFX*
“Baby you know that I miss you; I wanna get with you tonight. But I cannot baby girl and that’s the issue.”  *Boy band Voice*
FVO1: “Awww, I miss you too baby.” 
*Guy continue singing in the background while fading out*

Narrator: (Serious manly voice) “Fisherman’s Friend, Your wingman since 1865. Don’t leave him at home or you’ll end up leaving the girl of your dreams behind instead.” 

ENDS +++++ 

For our poster, since we are using the tagline "Your wing-men since 1865"
heres our design
simple yet straight to the point

From there, we discuss about our storyboard
and we had this

story of a boy who wants to ask a girl out but was rejected cause he had a rough scary voice.
he was sad, but he remembered he had fisherman friend in his pocket.
he took it out and ate 1.
he tried to call the girl again and asked her out
his voice dramatically change into a cool, husky voice
and the girl accepted his proposal.

Lastly, direct mail.
And since i suggested that i will do it

and so, here is the direct mail that i had did it
still in progress

and this is the final product

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